Tuesday, 23 July 2013

The waters have broken ..

Ah, this is more like it! The rain pounding on the roof, and the thunder rumbling off into the distance! I'll soon be back to shooting Weddings in a deluge, getting shots like these two guests arriving at a reception earlier in the 'summer'!
I just thank God this downpour didn't happen on St Swithin's day!!
Actually, I've loved the hot weather - although I'm not fat, wheezy or old so I can't complain - though, irony of ironies, I've not had a single Wedding to shoot in the heatwave. No chance to wear my shorts to a Wedding! (You should see some of the reactions I get from guests when I turn up to a Wedding in shorts! Disbelief followed by .. envy! It's great!) Anyway, next irony, I'm off to a factory this morning to do another recce for a PR shoot coming up next month. I've got to shoot about 200 people shaped up on a car park to spell out the name of some project that the company is about to work on; the irony being that we need to see where the sun shines so that we can line 'em up properly!
Ha bloody ha, weather Gods! ..

Stop press: The company has just called to say they can't allow me to go on the roof! Health and Safety! I'm not going to jump off the bloody thing!!...


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