Monday, 5 November 2012

Hello Dad...

Well, look at me, hob-nobbing with the rich and famous! This is the 'Photographers' page on RockPaperPhoto, the New York on-line gallery that's stocking my Limited Edition Music Photography. At least, I hope they are, after Superstorm Sandy! I got added to the page about two months ago and now just look who's popped up beside me. It's me old mucker Tel Boy O'Neill, the snapper from Darn Sarf who's been there, done it and definitely got the T-shirt! What esteemed company I keep these days! Mind you, I'll bet his sales are going a little better than mine...


  1. Aw, babe. Your 'Dad' gets Faye Dunaway and you're stuck with me.....!

  2. Wouldn't have it any other way! Faye who?... x
