Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Copy that...?

Putting pen to paper is my preferred way of making a record of anything, so imagine how freaked out I was when my computer suddenly couldn't read any of my back-up discs yesterday! A heart-stopping moment, you'd call it, if it was a movie review! I mean, it's less than a fortnight since I cleared as much as I could off my hard-drive and actually put it on those externals! Turns out the fuse had gone in the plug! That was all! Heart starts again.. phew!

Does make you wonder, though, doesn't it! For example, as I write I'm surrounded by boxes and boxes of negatives, and shelves groaning with transparencies. Solid, real photographs! Palpable, tactile work!

Ah, but what if..? Hmmm...I really must get them all scanned and backed-up on the computer!
Ah, but what if.. ? 
Oh, sod it!

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