Wednesday 7 March 2012

A new leaf ..

Just a quickie before I head off to North Wales to cover another Schools' Science Challenge, so I thought of 'budding' scientists and 'green shoots of recovery' and all that, and decided to show you a picture I took yesterday. No, not really .. I'd just seen my clematis coming back to life, with the flower heads of last year still sticking their little pom-pom heads into the wind, and decided to dig out my old 50mm 1.2 lens for a play. I found it whilst I was searching for one of my old cameras, the Nikon FM2, 'cos there's something in me that's turning back to film! I was chatting to a young lad in the photo department of my local Asda store, and he was telling me they've realised their processing machine can develop 120 film. I immediately rushed home, grabbed my old Yashicamat, ordered 5 rolls of Provia off the 'net, and hit the streets to start shooting in that new 'old' way I've not done for ages. Now I'm dusting down that Nikon and a fixed 24mm lens, and cannot wait to start working on new projects. Maybe the sap is rising, after all!

Stop press! About an hour after I wrote this morning's blog, I went over to Asda with a roll of 120 for them to develop. Er, guess what .. they don't dev medium format film! Seems the chap I was talking to had taken it upon himself to put some 120 through the machine, and just thought he'd offer me the service! Damn! That would have been soooo convenient!

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