Wednesday 22 February 2012

That's not music...

Don't you think it's time Bruce Springsteen called it a day? That new single of his is the pits, and sounds to me just like the Lightning Seeds' 'Life of Riley'...

My friend laughs at me all the time, saying my musical tastes are stuck in the 1980s but, do you know what? .. I don't care! Bring it on! As I heard that bloody whining Adele on the radio again this morning it just made me feel so glad I grew up when I did! Yes, I know .. I've turned into my Dad .. but apparently The Brits was on (were on?)  last night and I now have so little interest in 'modern' music that I forgot it was even being held! The Butthole Surfers! Now they were exciting! (That's them in my picture, by the way!) Music that made you move, music that made the hairs on your arms stand up! If punk was the break-out from the garbage that was around in the mid-seventies -musically and socially - then I can't wait to see what's going to smash us out of the musical doldrums we're in at the moment!

Now, where did I put my Val Doonican CD?...

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