Tuesday 12 September 2023

Good to be back?









I had a quick flit back to the UK last week and the thing that struck me most was the astonishing amount of litter on the streets. Perhaps it's always been like that, and I only notice it because I live in such a quiet backwater these days but, my God, it's everywhere! I went to Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool and Warrington and, in every place, the amount of litter was eye-watering. It made me sad, folks. Where is the pride, the respect ..?

At least I got back to Eccles and had a chance to walk down 'memory lane', returning to the site of some of my archive shots from the 1970s and 80s. Funny to see how much has changed, yet how much had stayed the same. Click on any of the shots to see more, and check out the difference in petrol prices ..  



  1. Was Maurice Brown the editor at the Eccles Journal when you were there?

  2. No, it was Barry Lees. He gave me my first break in press photography in 1977
