Friday, 27 July 2018

Going back in time ..

Another whole week spent working on my new (French) website, and I'm delighted to say I've finally got my 'Archives' page up and running. I'm really proud of this collection of documentary shots, taken mostly with an Olympus XA 35mm camera in the early 80s. We went everywhere together, that camera and I ..

Anyway, take a look. See what you think ..

Friday, 20 July 2018

He's back!

Just when I thought I'd retired .. I launch a brand-new web-site and start offering photo-shoots and beautiful prints for sale. Well, ya gotta have a project!..

Yes, I'm back in business as 'Photography In France' and have a great new site for everyone to check out. (Click here to do just that!!) I'll be selling images from my Florescence series, as well as from my black and white archive and my music photography. I'm also offering a photo-retouching and restoration service, and a new series of landscape photographs ..

Also in the mix is the offer of a free portrait shoot, now that I have my little studio up and running at last. I've already shot my third set of family portraits, with another two bookings in the diary for next month. Ah, it's just like old times ..

Monday, 16 July 2018

It's all coming back to me ..

This weekend was my first visit to the UK since November of last year, and it seems that nothing changes. I was going to write a blog about some of the things of which I was reminded .. you know, all the .. er, overweight people, all the tattoos, the self-checkout tills that tell you to 'wait for assistance' and all those orange-faced girls with false eye-lashes .. but I decided I wouldn't bitch and just stick with my old favourite ..

So, yes folks, it seems it is still not the done thing to drive on the inside lane of an English motorway. Oh England, I've not missed you ..

Sunday, 15 July 2018

A very Bon Weekend indeed ..

It's a habit I cannot kick, so this weekend saw me back at RAF Fairford for the annual Royal International Air Tattoo. The fact that, this year, I actually had to get there from France, with all the driving, flying and bed and breakfasts that involved, didn't put me off one jot. It was another great show and scorchio weather made it all worthwhile. I even made it back to a bar in Poitiers in time to catch the second half of France's victorious world cup match. All that and it started to rain once I got home, meaning I didn't even have to water the garden. Bliss. Ah, if Carlsberg did weekends ..

(Click to see larger shots ..)

Tuesday, 10 July 2018


How do you know when you live in the countryside? When you can take these two shots, one after the other, from exactly the same spot on your back porch! Not bad for a 'townie' from Eccles!

Monday, 9 July 2018

Happy Birthday, Dad ..

I always used to think I looked like my Mum, but putting these two shots together has made me realise I might have been wrong. Here's my Dad - aged about 45 - and a shot of me - er, just a likkle bit older - that was taken yesterday for a National Library Day event here in France. I've turned into my Dad. Good grief ..

I was looking for a shot of good ol' Joe as it's his birthday today, and I wanted to mark the moment. Happy Birthday Dad .. you'd have been 85 today, you old fart!

(Ps: I'm the one on the right!)

Saturday, 7 July 2018

Oh, baby ..

It's been a long time since I wrote about portrait photography, so I'm delighted to be able to show you this photograph and say  .. my new studio is up and running!

Some friends popped in yesterday for a quick shoot  .. and a chance for me to get my bearings again after a gap of so long. I thought it was appropriate that my first photographs were of a new-born and I'm really happy with the way things went. Oh, baby .. it feels good!