Saturday, 4 March 2017

Read all about it ..

Venezuela and Slovakia. They're two of the countries from whence I've had reads of my blog this week. The spread of the web goes far, which is just as well as I'm now at the beginning of trying to promote the second part of the book 'wot I wrote'.
I was encouraged this morning by a news article about a young UK author who has suddenly become massive in China. Her book is right up there in the country's Top Ten big reads. There's hope for me yet, I thought, as I waved my heroes out into the Big Wide World. Of course, as soon as I'd tweeted it this morning I was contacted immediately by .. people wanting to promote my book. Well guys, I'm sorry to disappoint you but my promotions budget of zero pounds and zero pence isn't going to get me far with you at all. A far cry from the 'successful' authors I read about who spend thousands every month pushing their works. It's going to have to be 'organic' for my book. Word of mouth, and all that. So the three people that bought Part One of the book - I know, three .. little acorns eh? .. will have to do their utmost to get the news out. Come on Venezuela, come on Slovakia!
We can do this!..

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