Monday, 10 October 2016

Crowd scenes and close-ups ..

I had a couple of lovely photo-shoots at the 'studio' over the weekend, including one with these two cheeky chappies and one with a crowd-scene of 23 family members. Both were a case of shoot, shoot, shoot. I kept on shooting with these two 'cos they, together with their 10 week old brother, just would not keep still .. and I kept shooting 'cos, with 23 people on one group shot, there's always going to be someone who blinks on any given shot. Thank the Lord for digital, eh?..

A few interesting PR jobs in the diary this week, including a shoot at a refurbished hotel, a job at the Manchester Literature Festival and a conference that involves so much work that the client has booked me a room at the same hotel as all the delegates .. and it's only in Salford! Something tells me I won't be writing a blog that day ..

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