Wednesday, 2 July 2014

God bless America ..

Today's theme? It can only be America! Go, USA! Man, if you didn't see last night's World Cup match between the States and Belgium then you missed the game of the tournament so far! Boy, did those yanks battle!..

Coincidentally, today I've entered this photograph into an American magazine's Wedding Photography contest. I'm not normally a major fan of over-photoshopping an image but I've decided to 'go with the flow' and drop some effects onto this picture. It seems to me that most photography competitions these days are more about the 'effects' than the message so I hope this shot gives the judges a nice example of both, and they rightly reward me with huge financial gain, praise and my choice of  top-end Nikon cameras!..

Independence Day beckons Stateside, and I remember once being in Houston on a hot, sticky Fourth of July. My friend there had just had a baby boy, and I can still recall the embarrassment when she told me his name. "Willy..?" I giggled "Don't you know what that means in England?.."

I was young, dear reader! Our friendship continues ..

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