Saturday, 30 March 2013

Happy Fleaster..

Easter was always a busy time for a press photographer on a local newspaper. The bank holiday kick-started the new season, not only with all the numerous Easter events, but with the rash of Spring fairs, jumble sales and flea markets that were the staple of a young snapper's job sheet in the 70s. Funny to think, now, but there just isn't the space in newspapers anymore to feature that kind of 'street-level' community activity. What a shame! It meant you hadn't had to have committed a crime, or complained about a gas-bill, or had a dispute about a garden fence to get into your local 'paper. Good news was news in those days and, more to the point, covering that sort of event - handfuls every weekend - was great training for a shy 18 year old like me - teaching me how to break the ice with 'the public' and, daft as it sounds, giving me the chance to get my creative juices flowing. After all, it was simply too easy to come away from each jumble sale with the same shot! On that point, I just thought I'd show you this little run of shots from my archive. It's the doorway to a Flea Market in, I think, Flixton, south Manchester. They were actually selling fleas! Only joking! Happy Easter...

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