Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Point me to Google..

Bloomin' poo and wee and sausages! I don't know whether I'm coming or going! I've had real problems lately getting up the mysterious 'Google Rankings', despite spending ages tagging every flippin' photograph on my site with keywords and venue names and Wedding terms. So, I've done what no man is supposed to do .. I've admitted I was flummoxed and turned to the experts! "Ah.." they've said "No, no, no..." (I imagined fingers being wagged at me, even though we were speaking on the phone) Seems Google doesn't read words within images any more. Oh, you silly man! Text! That's what you need! Tons and tons of text on your pages. Text that Google can read, text that Google can assess for relevance, text that's taken bloody ages to add to my site, and there's the day gone and I've not moved from my desk since 7am! So, when did that change then? And why? And can someone please warn me about the next sneaky shift in 'their' way of checking things! It only seems ten bloody minutes since I was advised that I must be on Google Adwords, and then that was a no-no, it was all about Facebook, and now it's blogging and tweeting and emailing that you've blogged about your tweet on someone's wall .. or something! Aaaagh!

Still, as long as it brings in business..

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