Wednesday, 10 October 2012

In the sh*t..

I do try to be upbeat in this Blog, choosing mainly to ignore 'real life' and talk about the things that affect me and my photography but Jeez, it's hard to keep a smile on your face when you switch on the news these days...

I was going to illustrate today's blog with one of my shots of Jimmy Savile. I haven't! Nuff said! That is some of the saddest news I've heard in a long time. And then there's April Jones. And Syria & Turkey. And Israel. And Rogue Afghan Soldiers And Food Prices. And The Economy. And.. oh God, let's get back to Drum Majorettes about to land in the sh*t! Ah, that's better...

I have a new website address! Further to yesterday's Blog, apparently I'm not getting up the Google rankings because my website hasn't got the word 'Wedding' in the title. So, from now on, if you feel so inclined, you can find me at 

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