Monday 25 May 2015

What time do you call this? ..

I photographed a Wedding once involving a bride who was so meticulous about everything going to plan that she had a big list of timings printed up on the back of her kitchen door..

Along the lines of : 10.47 - Start make-up. 11.14 - Photographer arrives (I was early, of course!) 12.12 - Get into dress...  that kind of thing! Anyway, she was really late to her Wedding. The make-up artist dropped red lipstick down the front of the bride's dress and the panic that ensued ensured she was never going to get to the church on time. You can't plan that kind of thing into your timings..

Similarly, you can't factor in a VW Campervan that breaks down en route to the bride's house. That's what happened on Friday and poor old Sue was 45 minutes late for her Wedding!! It had a knock effect all afternoon, as you can imagine, and my task wasn't made any easier by the fact that, as the guests all came out of the church, it began to drizzle in a most insistent way. I managed to get a group shot of all the guests and then ... phwit! .. they were gone! Everyone bar Sue's parents scarpered off to the reception meaning most of the shots on the list Sue had provided went by the board. Check out here what I did manage to shoot ..

Anyway, just take that into account all you brides to be. Be chilled about your Big Day. What will happen will happen and it'll all add to the memories afterwards..

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