Tuesday 26 February 2013

Green shoots..

I'm delighted that a lady's just ordered some of my place mats featuring a Florescence shot I've never used in a set before - this Agapanthus! It looks fab and, I imagine, fits in really well with a lot of people's colour schemes. This photograph, and a whole lot more, are featured in the current exhibition at Eccles Community Art Gallery though, it's fair to say, it's not proving as popular as 'Salford - Down the line'. It was always going to be so, though. That set of pictures was far more relevant to the people of Eccles than a lot of pretty pictures of flowers and I'm already missing the banter and chat that the exhibition generated. I'm hoping the pictures will reappear at a larger gallery sometime in the future but it's rather worrying when you hear that places like Salford Art Gallery - one of the places at which I'd love to exhibit - is now facing more staff cuts as the council seeks to save (even) more money. Cripes, what tough times we're in! I hope we start to see those mystical green shoots soon...

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