Sunday, 15 December 2024

Keep on walking ..











I did something this week that I've never done before in my life .. I gave a public reading from one of my books. I stood in front of an audience and read from 'Page 99, by Joe Bancroft' .. and it felt great! It was so enjoyable to be able to use accents and give accentuation to words I hope people might focus on when they read the book. Anyway, no-one walked out and I ended up reading for an hour longer than I'd proposed to, so that was alright, wasn't it?..

Speaking of walking, today's photograph must be at least 40 years old, but I'm buggered if I can find the negative. Instead, I scanned an old print - a proper 10x8 inch resin-coated black and white photograph - and tidied it up in Photoshop. Looks alright, although the thought did occur to me that 'Jake the Peg' was a Rolf Harris character, so I'm sure someone in this touchy-feely world of ours will now take exception. Well, it's my blog so you haven't got a leg to stand on .. (Groan!)



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