Friday, 10 June 2022

Now and then ..












An accident in the family meant that I've just had to go back to the UK for the first time in four years. Can't say I was delighted about the trip but decided to make the most of it by having a little wander around some of my old haunts (once the emergency was over!) The changes were astonishing, and I thought it would be fun to put some new shots together with old pictures from my archive. I have to say that poor old Eccles is looking a little worse for wear. (Either that or it was always so, and I just never noticed because I was just a kid.) Lots of vape shops and boarded-up pubs, take-away food shops and litter. Quite depressing, really. I won't be going back for a long time ..

Wednesday, 1 June 2022

God Saved The Queen ..

Queen, Jubilee, posters











Well, she made it! Seventy years on the throne and good luck to ya, missus! Can't say I'm a big fan of The Royals, though I WAS once rather chuffed to be the sole photographer allowed to cover an event with The Queen in 1989. (I don't own a single shot from the event .. the client insisted on taking all the negatives and says now they have no idea where they might be!) So, enjoy your four-day holiday UK, and here are a couple of photographs from the 1977 Silver Jubilee, taken when I was a mere stripling of sixteen. (That's my sister, in her bedroom!) 

God Saved The Queen!..