Friday, 17 February 2017

Bye-bye Britain ..

Off to see Al Murray tonight, and really looking forward to his take on Brexit. If you don't know him, he's a comedian whose character is the uber-British 'Pub Landlord', constantly having a go at the Europeans and yearning for the days when Britain was 'great'. Is he going to be delighted that his desires have apparently been put into action? I'll let you know tomorrow ..

For those of you reading this from outside the UK, Brexit is causing a hell of a lot of turmoil in this country. Nobody has a bloody idea what's going on, but it's starting to dawn on the 'Leavers' that perhaps waving bye-bye to the EU isn't such a good idea after all. Yesterday I was talking to a guy who's had enough of all the uncertainty, price rises and so on, and has decided to move to Spain.
Oh, and he voted to leave the EU..

#idiot #despair #tunnelwithnolightattheendofit ....

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