Friday, 11 September 2015

But ..

9/11 again - or 11/9 as we always said in England before the tragedy - and the world's an even worse place to be in today than it was fourteen years ago...

But ..

Despite everything, I can look at this photograph and get a big smile on my face! This shot brings back such happy memories of a time I took my Dad on a trip to America after, believe it or not, winning a trip for two to New York. We spent a week travelling round by Greyhound bus, and I have such fond memories of Dad at the top of the Twin Towers, The Statue of Liberty and the Empire State Building; of him stopping firemen in the street so that I could take a picture of him with them; of police in Washington keeping us behind a cordon as - of all people - Imelda Marcos landed by helicopter next to The White House, and of him straddling the Rainbow Bridge at Niagara Falls so that he could be in two countries at once! In fact, the only photographs I took - for the entire trip - were of my Dad. He was my project! Dad does America! Every single photograph had my Dad in it!..

Well, the towers are gone and so is my Dad.
But I still have my photographs ..

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