Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Punk forever ..

Last Friday evening I was in the bizarre position of being entirely alone! All on my own! Poor Billy No Mates! It was fantastic..

Lesley was working late and three sets of neighbours - on both sides - were away on holiday. There was no-one within .. what? 120 feet of me. So, what did I do? I did what any right-minded 54 year old punk would do in that situation. I opened a beer, hit the record player and cranked the volume up to 11 !..

I started with a bit of The Exploited, and then turned straight to the UK Subs. It was at that moment I remembered I had a DVD of the Subs, so switched the telly on to watch that instead. There's a great moment in the film where Charlie Harper, the band's lead singer, replies to someone in the audience. I couldn't hear what the punter said but Harper's reply was "I don't do that anymore, I'm 40 next year!.."

He's 71 this year, and still gigging! There's hope for me, yet! Punk forever! Yeah ....


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