Tuesday, 14 July 2015

File under G ..

I don't have Spell Check on this computer, so it's just as well I proof-read before I press 'Publish' ! There've been quite a few times when you could have been reading about Welding photography, or even Weeding photography if I didn't! Anyway, talking about spelling, I was looking through my archive for an old shot of a band called Gun Club yesterday, and got distracted by 'Girls in night-club'. Close by were 'Graffiti', 'Guitar' and 'Guides Parade' but I was drawn to this one because A) I'd never noticed it before (It was all scratched and covered in dust) and B) It's got me in it, and that always works for Yours Truly. Ok, I'm sporting Deirdre Barlow glasses and a centre-parting but hey, it was the 70s..

Finding that negative was great. What a wonderful thing to have this shot as a physical reality, one that still exists as an actual photograph after, I reckon, 36 years! (I'm thinking it was shot at Sale's 'Blue Rooms' disco, when I worked on my first ever newspaper.) Now, of course, it exists as a digital image too, and not only that but one that is also backed-up on a seperate hard drive. I mention this because there was a story in the press last week about a woman who'd had her 'phone stolen, and on it were all 300 of her photographs of her son, a Cystic Fibrosis sufferer .. who had just died! What a sad story, from every point of view. I hope she gets the 'phone back but honestly - in a few years time - how are we ever going to view the past when it 'ain't there? Back up, Print, Copy, File under G, or anything! Just File!!....  

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