Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Being Friendly ..

I was taking Pr photographs of youngsters in a school last week and the head teacher said something very nice about me. She said "What a nice change .. a friendly photographer!" and went on to tell me that whenever the local press snappers turned up at the school they were always grumpy!..

Well, a smile costs nothing as they say though, quite frankly, why wouldn't I smile when I get paid to do what I love doing all day long? Especially photographing happy young children! I remember, before I had my studio, putting an ad in our local Post Office that said something like 'Give me a ring and I'll shoot your kids!'. I don't think people quite 'got' that little slogan but I'm pleased to say that, despite the ad, I will be shooting kids once the summer holidays are over. A local playgroup has approached me and invited me in for two photo-sessions in the early autumn. Can't wait ..

Another exciting development this week is my Summer Wedding offer. I'm taking 5% off any Wedding booking received before August 31st. Now how's that for being a friendly photographer?..

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