Saturday, 18 April 2015

Just for the record ..

I suppose I should be really pleased that today is 'Record Store Day' but I can't help feeling that a title like that is hung around the neck of 'things that need a bit of a boost.' You know the kind of thing - National Verruca Day, Support your local Catholic Priest, Let's hear it for Herpes ..  that kind of thing! So I should be really happy that 'they' are plugging local record shops today..

I guess they mean vinyl when they talk about records. Well, of course they do Martin, that's what records are! Well, yip yip, let's hear it for vinyl but, holy moley, have you seen the price of vinyl these days? Jeez! Download me a file, any day! Mind you, that's easy for me to say that as I sit on my pile of lovely, sexy, shiny, dusty, scratchy, sleeves-bent-at-the-edgy, memories-by-the-million, so-much-part-of-me-you-can't-believe-it .. records and, if you follow me on Facebook you'll know I'm partial to taking the odd snap as I spin my discs - as Tony Blackburn might say - on my ageing Technics turntable. Just for the record, you understand!..

Click out the screen grabs above! Happy plastic ..

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