Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Oh, yes it is ...

I was at a house-party last night and one of the guests was Diana Moran! Bloody hell, The Green Goddess, right there in front of me! Looking great, too and telling me fab stories about that other O'Neill photographer - Terry - with whom she's friends and has worked with quite a bit in the past!
Anyway, another guest then asked me which famous people I'd worked with, and it was great to start reeling off the names of the rich and famous from my old days in the press. Maggie Thatcher, Mohammed Ali, George Best etc., etc., etc... Man, I was name-dropping like a crazy boy! Then, I was literally half-way through writing this blog when the phone rang. It was the Salford City Reporter, calling to get a bit of detail on me, as they're hopefully going to run a piece on my forthcoming exhibition at the People's History Museum. "Have you ever worked with any famous people?.." asked the writer. "Well.." I began ...

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