Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Your site is ready, sir ..

I've just stuck my head above the computer after a full two days' bashing it against my new website design. Folks, it is finished!..

Manchester Wedding is up and running, at last!
At last, and for real!..

Thing was, after I'd got hold of the domain name in May I was feeling pretty chirpy that I'd soon be flying up the Google+ rankings. Ha, what an idiot! As if that was going to happen! Despite all my best efforts - all the SEO, the keywording, the blogging, the tweeting, the Facebooking, the Pinteresting, The Tumblring - nothing worked!..

But, it's been my good fortune to have an IT specialist as one of my forthcoming grooms. He was kind enough to give the site the once over, made a few recommendations and  .. whaddya know? .. I made the front page of Bing before I'd even finished the site and popped up twice on the front of Google after I'd only linked a couple of blogs!!..

So, there ya go! Get someone in who knows what they're doing! Man, I just wish that applied to Wedding Photography, too ...

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