Saturday, 5 April 2014

Hey, mister ..

I was full of the joys of Spring as I left the studio last night, and stopped by the car park to shoot some beautiful pink blossom that was looking stunning by the side. Just one frame in, a foul, disgusting oik - the type of teenager that gets the rest of 'em a bad name - walked straight into my shot and shouted "Oi! F*ck off! Don't take f*cking pictures of me!" and then pulled his hood up and carried on walking. Talk about spoiling a mood! Man, what is happening with society? How do farts like him get away with all this terrible behaviour? Because they know they'll get away with it, that's why! This guy's dad isn't at home to belt him one when he gets reported! Oh, come back 1975! I want to be troubled by my old problem! Like this shot 'down our street' .. my difficulty was trying to keep kids off the shot! "Hey, mister! Take a picture of me..." I haven't heard that on the streets for a long time!

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