Saturday, 28 December 2013

Spot the teenager ..

A study! O'Neill as an 18 year old, with trusty EM and favourite badge! (It's a picture of a bare backside with the legend "I C U R A BUM 2". I think that was thought of as funny in 1978!) Just think, I've been a photographer since I looked like that! Where have the years gone? I was shooting a family portrait at the studio yesterday and one of the teenage lads in the group was - well, let's say his skin has plenty of opportunity to clear up - and it brought to mind this photograph of me as a spotty yoof way back in the day. Hey, it's an age thing! Age was on our minds over the festivities too, as we celebrated the Twins' first Christmas. The little girls that came into our family in February were swamped with gifts, love and - more importantly - shiny wrapping paper as we marked their first Christmas. " I wonder what they'll look like when they grow up.." mused Lesley. "Well.." I said, thinking how quickly the years pass "We'll soon find out..."

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