Thursday, 28 November 2013

Boobs ..

I've had three rather amusing little 'Hey - look at that' - moments in the past couple of days and, by sheer coincidence, they all involve the letter B! The first occurred as I was walking through the newly refurbished Birchwood shopping precinct, near my home. Somebody has come up with a nifty new slogan for the redesign, and stuck it up with a logo around the place. Be at Birchwood, it says .. which I instantly read as 'Beat Birchwood' .. a challenge which, I'm sure, will be happily taken up by the centre's nearby neighbours!

The second 'moment' came yesterday when a prospective Labour Parliamentary candidate emailed me about some photographs I'd sent him from a recent PR shoot. His name's Nick Bent. In my email InBox he's listed as Bent Nick .. but it's probably best if I don't tell you about that one!

The third 'B' .. bizarrely .. happened on Monday when I popped round to my friend's house to meet up with a young lady who has expressed an interest in a career in Wedding co-ordination. David has a stable of beautiful vintage cars, you see, and - like me - is part of The Culcheth Collection. Without going into detail about the meeting or, indeed, the young lady in question, she suddenly stood up in my friend's kitchen, whacked out one of her boobs and, without so much as a 'by your leave' or a 'do you mind?', began to breast-feed her very young and obviously thirsty new-born baby!! Now, David's 65 and I'm on the greyer side of 50. We had to stare into each other's eyes for what felt like a bloody fortnight! As far as we were concerned that was just one boob too many!... 

By the way, the T shirt's from one of my Flickr sets. I got bored one day and shot my entire collection in one go! Blimey...


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