Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Rocktober ..

Ok, wind instruments aren't exactly 'rock' but, seeing as everyone says I use this blog to blow my own trumpet, I thought this picture would be appropriate as the first image this new month. It's from the October installment of Twelve for '13, my documentary photography archive from Eccles and Manchester and, boy, you're in for a treat this month as I've not only uploaded eight more images than normal .. but two of 'em are in colour! Spoiling you!..

So, October, Rocktober, Stoptober .. call it what you will and, if you're doing something selfless for charidee this month then I hope you succeed, but the only thing I'm going to stop is my sporadic forays into the National Lottery. I'm sure Gilbert O'Sullivan's delighted that his old song's seeing the light of day on their advert, but I notice no-one mentions on it that the ticket price is going up a quid!
Hey, who knows  .. they might change their minds and start charging a pound again. Then they could use 'Get Down' as the soundtrack! Now that's rock!!...

(No it isn't, Martin! Get a grip....)

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