Saturday, 27 July 2013

Bowled over ..

Crikey, blimey, it seems yesterday's Wedding really was all about the numbers, 'cos I put a version of this shot on my Facebook page last night and by this morning it had been viewed by .. 710 people!! 'Owzat?!..

Yes, yesterday's Wedding was an absolute cracker and I'm pleased to say that it all worked out fabulously, despite the long distances between all the venues. We got to Heaton House Farm in plenty of time though, and the highlight of the day had to be the impromptu game of cricket that 'broke out' between the bride and groom, which made some great shots as Jen faced up to the bowling of her new husband as she went in to bat! Two PE teachers, you see! Now that really is a marriage of two halves!

Congratulations, guys .. you bowled me over!


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