Wednesday, 15 May 2013


Oh, to be in England! There's been a massive road-works job going on around our way, with a thin trench being dug over a distance of quite a few miles by a company working for the 'electric'. Once they've filled in the trench and put tarmac over their work, they repaint any traffic instructions their digging has removed. Thing is, they literally only paint over what they've dug up and so, because the original warnings were almost completely worn away, we're now left with this whole series of Os and OVs running for miles through the area! Brilliant! (This is part of the word SLOW, in case you're confused!)

Yesterday, a PR photographer pal of mine phoned to ask my advice as he's been told he's required to send in a Risk Assessment form for a shoot they want him to do. 'Will it be dangerous?..' I asked 'Are you likely to cause an accident? Could someone get hurt?...' He laughed, bitterly! 'Well, what exactly is the job?..' I pushed. 'It's a portrait of a man sitting at his desk!..' he sighed! I ask you!..

Oh, sod it, let's have one more! When we were landing during my holiday last week I was told by the stewardess to ... switch off my camera! Stayed tuned: I'm writing to the company for an explanation!

England! You don't have to be mad to live here, but it helps...

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