Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Well spotted..

Is it a plane, is it a blog .. or is it a blatant plug for my new photo-restoration service? Correct! It's Number 3 .. go to the top of the class! Since I joined the Community Page of Eccles Born and Bred I've seen more old, ripped, faded, tatty, yellow photographs than I think I've ever seen, so I've decided to offer the members (And, indeed, anyone else!) a way to pop a bit of life back into their memories. I'm going to personally collect, scan, spot and correct any prints that members might have before hand-delivering them back with either a spanking new digital copy or a brand-new print. And from just £15 a photo! Copy that? Fifteen squids! Bargain...

1 comment:

  1. !Oh Dears.
    We stand to be corrected.
    Looking forward.
    !Cheers, Doc.
    Bill Dane.
    (My people left your ((our)) east coast in the 1600s to correct themselves over here - unholy devil bargains.)
