Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Party like it's 1977..

Come on folks, no slowing down now! One more day to go and then real life can resume again! I thought I'd throw in a couple of shots today from the 1977 Silver Jubilee, which we celebrated not as a street-party but as a full-blown 'do' in the nearby school hall. Being just about 17, I took it upon myself to be the official photographer for the event, which meant I got to swank around looking important and, more to the point, got me in the good books of these guys, whose usual interest in me stretched only as far as threatening to beat me up! This weekend's celebrations have certainly put Britain in the spotlight though and, apart from 'Phil the Greek's' bladder problems, I'm really pleased it's all gone to plan. Just the Olympiczzzzz to go now...

Oh, the shots are part of my book 'Don't Miss That', more of which you can see by clicking the link here...

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