Tuesday, 26 June 2012

It's all passing me by..

How weird last night to have no football to watch although, to be honest, I'm kinda glad I've no longer got an interest in Euro 2012. Apart from anything, it was costing me a fortune. It's those bloody ads on ITV, isn't it? I just can't help myself! I've already put down-payments on an Audi, a Qashquai and two Citroens, lost four thousand quid on online betting and picked me out two of those tasty little brown Macdonalds player escort kids to adopt over the coming winter! I just wish, wish, wish I could get excited about the Olympiczzz now or hey, even the tennis, but I can't and I feel such a failure! I mean, think of all the people that are turning out just to watch the Olypiczzz torch. They can even get excited about a lit stick being jogged past 'em? It's beyond me!

I've had an offer from a magazine to review my book 'Don't Miss This' .. a copy's going off in the post to them today so stay tooned! Today's photograph is another one of my Olympus XA shots. Remembrance Day parade, circa 1985.

Happy Tuesday, folks!

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