Monday, 28 May 2012

Alright, my sun? ..

What a weekend! Two fantastic Weddings, temperatures in the high eighties, The Hump going down in flames and England beating the entire Rest of the World 3-1 at football !! Ok, the footy was only the Robbie Williams charity match at Old Trafford, but it bodes well for Euro 2012 when I hope we can get revenge for the Europeans giving such dismal votes to poor old Englebert Humperdinck, who got trounced in the Eurovision Song Contest and came second to last!

My Weddings were both amazing at the weekend, and gave me a real challenge with the unbelievable amounts of light bouncing off the lovely white brides' dresses! However, speaking of bouncing light .. I'd planned to do a shot at the front of the Belle Epoque brasserie during Saturday's Wedding, but when I checked out the view before the ceremony it was absolutely drowned in dazzling light with the sun shining straight into my fish-eye lens. One hour later though and the great Greek God of Photography, Correctius Aperturius, smiled sweetly on me and got me the shot I'm showing you today. Not only had the sun moved behind the building, but it was reflecting off a shop front across the road and lighting the exact spot I wanted to place the Bride and Groom! Now what are the chances of that happening?

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