Monday, 6 February 2012

Word up...

Oh, the gales, the snowdrifts, the plunging temperatures ... I'm so pleased they passed us by! Ok, it did go a bit nippy, and there was a bit of snow over the weekend, but in general the good old north-west of England was spared the ravages of the Siberian weather-front .. so much so that we could get out walking yesterday, and I got this photograph that kind of sums things up! Phew!

So, I've got my first Wedding of the year coming up on Saturday, although I won't be ordering my new Ferrari on the back of it as I'm doing it for nothing as a Wedding present to my girlfriend's best mate! (I know .. I'm just too nice!) Can't wait to get cracking, though! It's been six weeks since my last shoot and my shutter finger's itching to go! Hey, speaking of which, check out this shop sign I also shot at the weekend. It's the jeweller's shop next to Corvino's, the wine-bar where I've got .. My Smiths shots! What are the chances?..

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