Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Cheers, Tony...

Now, I have been known to use this Blog to rant about the swamping influx of cheap amateurs into the world of professional photography  
So.. here we go again!

My local shopping centre has some racks in which local companies can leave their business cards. I went in there yesterday to top up my 'pile' and there, next to my cards, was a new set of cards proclaiming TONYS (sic) BUDGET PORTRAITS. They're so budget that he can't afford an apostrophe, they look like they've been printed on Letraset, he doesn't list a website and the price is written on the back in biro !! (From £60 for a 24 x 16, just in case you're interested, you b*stard, and, by the way, I'm only £15 dearer!)

Now, why would you? Please? Does a card like that instil confidence? Would you let someone like Tony capture your image for posterity? Is a saving of fifteen measly quid worth missing out on the chance to have your shots done by a fantastic photographer like what I am? Then STOP RIGHT THERE! Do not encourage these fly-by-night amateurs, out to make a few quid spending money, when you could have me, me, me to shoot a fab set of images for you. Cripes, before you know it our TONY will be offering himself as a Wedding Photographer, and where would we professionals be then, eh?

Rant over! Large G & T, please!

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