Monday, 1 August 2011

August, already!..

Bejeepers! How did that happen? School holidays already!  
Cue images of more innocent times, of kids climbing trees, playing out until dusk, eating food that didn't have a 'sell-by' date and knowing all the neighbours down your street...Sigh! This shot, and others like it, are part of my 'Don't Miss That' series, available online or as a book...
Packing my wellies now, as my next Wedding is up in The Lake District, so we're going to make a mini-adventure out of it! Can't wait! Not sure I'll be climbing any trees, but there'll be lots of walking and sight-seeing, and it'll have to do as my summer holiday, until the Weddings ease off after Autumn.

Anyway, I now have a dedicated Facebook page for my Wedding Photography, via UK Brides, the website I'm on for brides around the country. Check me out!
Hey, you might even want to 'Like' me...Aw, go on!

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