Thursday 19 May 2011

Love Missile F1-11...

Jeez! Sigue Sigue Sputnik, where are you now? Had a little trawl through the old archive last night, and look what popped up. These are my old mates Roddy and Tish on the night we went to see SSS at The International in Manchester. This was one of my favourite venues, and I saw loads of bands there over its lifetime. I remember standing in that exact same spot talking to Biggie Tembo, from the Bhundu Boys, after their gig, and being asked if I had any drugs by one of the Stinson brothers from The Replacements. (Not sure which one, and I only had two Junior Disprin with me, so he wasn't much interested, anyway!)
Hard for me to believe that this was at least 25 years ago. SSS were so Now, so Modern, so Cutting long as you liked wearing fishnet over your face! :-)

1 comment:

  1. I went to this show, do you remember who the support band was?
