Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Time, gentlemen!

Another one bites the dust! This pub's called The Harrow, and now it's shut. Harrowing! Mind you, I'm not surprised. I was paying £3.25 for a pint of Guinness at the weekend. (Not in there, obviously!) It's getting too expensive to go for a pint! And I notice price becoming more and more relevant in all aspects of my business, too. Brides ringing me for the first time often begin their calls with "How much?", and I've just had one chap looking to have his Wedding photography costs reduced by suggesting he does all the 'tweaking' if I just hand over all my images to him!! Only yesterday a PR firm called with a list of three press jobs they needed shooting. Their fee was..£75! Seems I've been saying 'No Thanks' a lot lately. Get me a drink!

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