Saturday, 12 February 2011

Colour me up!

I was listening to an internet radio station based in Dallas yesterday, and they played a band called White Lies. Now here's me writing about old duffers Iron Maiden and completely missing this new band...!
I hastily googlified them to find they're playing Manchester next week..and it's sold out! Oh, sob, sob..but at least it's an encouraging sign. My mates reckon my musical education stopped circa 1985 ! Anyway, on the subject of white, nice to see snowdrops instead of snowflakes this morning, tinkling their little heads in the breeze. White band, white beginnings...oh, calm down Martin!

No denying that Spring is on the way, though. There are buds appearing, the daffodils are coming, I watched a robin collecting nesting material, and I swallowed a fly whilst out walking yesterday! It's time for a bit of colour again.

Now, speaking of colour (tentative link #365), I've just finished making a Wedding Album that's a bit of a first for me. After all these years it's the first one I've ever done completely in colour. All the reportage, that I normally print in sepia, was requested in colour. It brought up an amusing moment, as I was trying to correct a colour cast on a bridesmaid's hand. Obviously not a problem in black and white, but I couldn't understand where this weird orange glow was coming from. Then it dawned on was the remnants of the poor girl's fake tan!

Right, only one colour to talk about now...Come on you Reds !!!!

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