Wednesday, 15 September 2010

The word on the Street ..

There's a new book out called Street Photography Now. Very good it is, too!
I sent them an email to let them know about my own work (Well, better late than never, eh?)..and now they've very kindly linked from their site to my Flickr set of 'documentary' photography.
The shots form the basis of my book 'Don't Miss This', and were all shot on an Olympus XA camera in the 1980's. I have to admit it's a tough time to be trying to sell Photography Books, or indeed any kind of Photography as "art"..certainly in the UK..(Well, unless you're David Bailey!), but I get so much pleasure from my "hobby" that I feel it's worth sticking with and hoping that eventually people will actually get their own pleasure from the work, too!

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