Friday, 30 July 2010

Hittin' the road..

Bit of a quickie today as I'm getting ready to hit the to London to see about getting my new Greetings Cards stocked in the trendy tourist areas!
Just to say that I've had yet another couple round to the studio who've been let down by a 'friend' who was going to shoot their Big Day. Turns out this guy bottled it and even got his girlfriend to text the groom to tell him he couldn't do it ! ( He's now an ex-friend!! )
I say it so often..owning a good digital camera does not make you a photographer!
Don't risk it, guys!..Having a pro photographer cover your day isn't just about getting the shots right. A confident professional will 'drive' your day in the right direction, and 'steer' you and your guests to where you need to be. That reminds me, I'd better hit the road...

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