Wednesday, 14 October 2009

My first Blog...Painless, I hope!

I've got a blog..I'm on the bandwagon....Everybody's doin' it, doin' it.....

Hi, I'm Martin O'Neill, a professional photographer in Cheshire.

I had a trip back in time yesterday. In 1979 I photographed Joy Division, and Hooky famously told me to "F*ck Off" !! So, yesterday, I photographed him again. This time I wasn't creeping behind him onstage and getting in the way. This was a shoot for the North West Regional Development Agency..on the roof of the Radisson Hotel in he was very nice and well-behaved and we got a great set of shots you can see. I love the "reality" shot, that shows you he was actually up a ladder, braving the height and looking every inch the pro..tho' my real fave is the b/w shot...somehow you just know it's Hooky, dontcha!

Right, there ya first blog...and it WAS I might just do it again soon!

Say Cheese!


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