Friday 15 February 2019

Flip the bird ..

I'm known around these parts as a professional photographer who offers One-Day Photo-Tuition workshops (Spot the blatant plug!!) .. and one of the things I try to drum into people during their day with me is this: if you see a picture in front of you, then take it. Take it very quickly, and then worry about focus, or exposure, or composition. Just don't let the moment pass ..

Today I was driving into town for three bags of sand. Let's skip why. As soon as I hit the main road I saw the mass take-off of the biggest flock of lapwings I have ever seen. It looked so fantastic that I screeched to a halt, rummaged for my 'phone and shot the one frame you see at the top of this montage. Then I raced back home and grabbed the 500mm ..

Got back, and the birds just sat there. For ages. 'Please' I begged .. 'Just fly near the tractor again. Please!' And did they? No, they didn't. They sat and ate worms .. for ages .. and then waited 'til Tractor Man had buggered off before they took to the air once more ..

Now I understand what it means to 'Flip the bird' ..

(I do believe you'll be given a closer view if you click on the image ..)

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