Thursday 10 September 2015

No age at all ..

I'm addicted to all these bloomin' Wedding programmes that seem to have appeared on telly lately. 'Don't tell the Bride' - 'I want that Wedding' - 'How the rich get hitched' and so on, but this week saw another one that had me squirming!..

'Baby-Faced Brides' was all about - well, you can guess! Kids getting married, basically! Teenagers, twenty-year-olds and so on! Ugh, it was awful! My whole body was screaming out "Too young, too young.." but none of them listened and all of 'em went ahead and tied the knot, their flabbergasted parents looking on with ... er, well, looking on, anyway!..

I've been trying hard to think of the youngest couple I've ever photographed but I think early twenties is about as low as I can get. This week, though, I was at the other end of the spectrum with the Wedding of Margaret and Barry. I'm not giving away ages but let's just say that I've never had to get a Wedding couple's grand-children on a photograph before! It was a fantastic day all round though - probably because this couple actually knew what they were doing in life ..

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