...for we are out of recession! Hurrah!! Nought point one percent?..That's my favourite percent!! Let's get back to our spendthrift ways and party like it's 2009 !!
Oooh, yummy! This is the new Jorgensen album I've added to my repertoire. 75 to 150 images in sexy thick black mounts..I'm never gonna want to let you brides have them back!
Reading a book the other day on the Faeroe Islands. (It was about the Islands..I wasn't on them!) Apparently they have a word, Skeinkjari...meaning 'the man who goes among wedding guests, offering them drink' ! I'll drink to that!
Just love one of my latest 'Glove' shots... Yes, there is a glove in the shot, and no, I don't move anything (except my legs!) when I do these observations. My trainers are forevermore going to be known as my 'Lucozades!' Check out more of my series 'On the one hand'...
Right...I've finally got round to making a 'movie' of my stills of Joy Division! This year is the 30th anniversary of the death of Ian Curtis..30 bloody years!!.. so I've not exactly rushed into this project!
Tell ya what...when the going gets tough..the tough 'keep' going! Ladies & Gentlemen, I give you...my postie's knees! Praise where it's due...these dudes delivered in all but the worst of this weather! Well done Royal Mail !
Don't forget to feed the birdies in this bad weather...although this Sea Osprey in Egypt seemed to have no trouble getting his own grub! Shot this about 5.30 am on my Nikon Coolpix compact...Yes, I really did get this close!
We snappers do Wedding Fairs, buy expensive ads in magazines, do Google ads, print flyers...etc., etc...but Word of Mouth always plays a Big Hand in one's promotion. So it is that I've just been invited to photograph the Wedding of a THIRD sister in a family...and that's the third time that's happened. Is that a "tripod" of Weddings, ha ha !
Here's one for all you romantic souls planning a winter wedding for next year...it gets cold! But, as they say...The Snow Must Go On...and congratulations to all my Winter Couples who braved the chill and got the deed done! You can see some of them here....
January 2nd..hangover gone.. and diving head first into the New Year. Already taken my first new Wedding booking of 2010 and splashed out over a grand (Splashed...see what I did there?) on another new camera...gotta keep up with the technology, dude!